Shaking Samasta with Salsa & Line Dance Competitions

The last two nights of ONEderful Samasta 1st Year Anniversary were truly the highlight of the celebration. Saturday night, 21 October 2017 at a laid back open air area in front of Sereh Gourmet Supermarket was the time for Salsa as the sexy latin music filled the air and all the salsa dance enthusiasts gathered to dance, drink and have fun of course!
We had the salsa dance competition in a jack n jill style where the couples were drawn randomly which made it even more fun and full of surprises. They all show some awesome moves on the dance floor and the positive vibe all around was contagious!
The next night on Sunday, 22 October 2017 the line dance competition was equally lit with the presence of the renown line dance instructor/judge - Bambang Satiyawan a.k.a. Bembi that was our judge for the night along with other talented line dance instructors such as Nawal and Bli Dewa. They were not just judging but they gave some incredible performances with elaborate costumes to wow the crowd. After the competition was over, Bembi gave the guests a crash course in line dancing and they were asked to perform it on the spot to get a chance to win surprise gift vouchers! All the winners received a total of IDR 8 million in cash and vouchers during these two unforgettable nights.
Dancing is surely an excellent way to release stress and loosen up. Salsa night is still part of our regular event here at Samasta every Saturday night and we welcome you all to dance with us under the stars!