Party Time for the Kids

It was an absolute delight to see children coming together and excitingly creating fun artsy stuff! Yes, thats what happened here in Samasta last weekend, 21-22 October 2017 for the Work Art Play Art events with Ganara Art Studio. These events are still part of the line-up of our ONEderful Samasta 1st Year Anniversary where the kids from ages to 3-17 years old can learn and enjoy making playdoh from scratch and spray painting, making cool mural artwork with Uncle Joy for free!
Many kids from foreign to locals participating and the goodie bags filled with snacks, free Gaya Gelato vouchers and shopping vouchers for the moms too.
For all of you who missed out, dont worry. We still have Ganara regular art classes at Ganara Art Kids Corner on weekdays and weekends. Keep checking our Instagram for the schedules.