Ganara Art Studio Introduces Fun Art Class at Samasta Bali

Last June to July 2017 we were privileged to host Ganara Art Studio program at Samasta. Ganara Art Studio has been a well-known art school in Jakarta and its founder, Saraswati Djumaryo or better known as Miss Tita who are genuinely passionate about teaching arts to children to make them creative, open minded and inspiring individuals.
On June we had Nusantara Art Playdate, art classes designed for children aged 4-10 years old that emphasized in introducing Indonesian culture such as learning how to make Batik patterns, Papuan tribal masks, Dayak warriors and indigenious animals. There were classes for adults too in which they are taught to make geometrical 3D sketches, water color and acrylic painting!
The July program was equally fun, making cute objects from paper clay (Creative Clay) and the kids obviously loved the opportunity to get their hands dirty!
Both programs were held on weekdays and weekends at BASE – BASE – authentic balinese restaurant near the fountain area, perfect spot to chill and dine!