Fun Celebration of 72 Years of Beautiful Indonesia

We are proud to live in a country that has proclaimed its freedom since 72 years ago. Since 17 August 1945 the nation has stood the test of time and can live in harmony with so many diversities in cultures in this vast archipelago. The most fun part is every Independence Day celebration across Indonesia, we have customary games and competitions held at local neighborhoods with participants from all walks of life - young and old - altogether enjoying the festivity.
We also want to cherish this local tradition hence last Saturday 19 Aug 2017 we had these fun games right here at Samasta Lifestyle Village!
JOGED BALON - couple dancing with a baloon in between
TARIK TAMBANG - tug-o-war
MAKAN KERUPUK - eating hanging chips
MAKE-UP DENGAN MATA TERTUTUP - putting on make up on a friend while blindfolded
PUKUL BALON ISI AIR DENGAN MATA TERTUTUP - hitting water baloons while blindfolded
MASUKKAN BENDERA KE DALAM BOTOL DENGAN TAMBAHAN EFEK AIR MANCUR SAMASTA - a race of putting as many flags into a bottle at Samasta fountain area.
We were thrilled to see the enthusiasm from all of the participants - ranging from our customers, the children from Jimbaran area with their traditional balinese costumes and down to our internal staff. Everyone had a blast and they came home with shopping vouchers and special goodie bags from us! It was truly a fine example of our nation motto: Unity in Diversity!