An Easter Playground For The Kids

Easter festivity will not be complete without those colorfully painted eggs and children involved and last Sunday afternoon, 1st April 2018 we celebrated Easter Holiday by inviting kids joining our Easter Egg Decorating & Egg Hunting! In collaboration with the team of Ganara Art Studio Jakarta, the egg decorating took place at Ganara Art Kids Corner near the fountain and we were overwhelmed by the fact that many kids joined and were so enthusiastic to play with paint, glitters and not afraid of getting their hands dirty creating their own version of easter eggs! The easter egg hunting was even more adventurous as we gave each kid a treasure map to find the easter eggs hidden around Samasta upper ground area. It was nice to see them having fun in a creative way and to see the parents smiling with joy and pride. Of course we did not forget to give them goodie bags filled with gifts. We will definitely do this again next year!